Funding & Liquidity
Relying on state-of-the-art systems, top-notch money market expertise, and excellent dealer relationships developed since 1983, our funding and liquidity team, headed by Jerry Dupont and Aaron Stearns, provides outsourced solutions for your fixed-income liquidity and funding needs.
We seek to deliver superior execution on all of your repo transactions and provide complete cash and margin management services, asset-liability management, and unique hedging techniques.
A partial list of our Funding & Liquidity services includes:
- Secure access to our proprietary collateral management system
- Expertise to assist you in the negotiation of collateral terms in repo documentation
- Potential enhancement to relationships with the dealer and repo market communities
- Innovative term financing techniques
- Assistance and advice on backup financing lines and special purpose funding vehicles
- Potential cost savings through better execution
- Assistance with securing the best terms of trade with counterparties